Tuesday, March 22, 2011

35 Weeks into my Pregnancy

The reality of moving has now kicked in, though I have barely started packing. I have so much to do yet I can’t seem to find direction about where to start. I try and pack a little every night, hoping that by Friday Evening most of the stuff will be in boxes.
I’ve been working at the house office this week and I find it much cooler than working at the kennels itself, the only schlep is that my office isn’t totally set up as yet, so I’m working off the floor which can be quite a mission as much as it is comfortable.
I actually pulled a muscle in my gluteus maximmus this week from all getting up from seated positions on the floor at the office, not funny! Having this extra weight can be quite tricky sometimes.
The people at the Maternity Clinic are ever so clever, seeing that I’m in my last month you’d think that I’d go for more regular check-ups now. Ha! They simply scheduled my appointment two weeks later because there were some blood tests they had to re-do at 32 weeks, which I’m not! But they did those tests this week and only scheduled my next appointment in another 6 weeks. Absolutely, unbelievable! Baby’s going to be there already by then, and then I would’ve missed out on important check-ups! I suppose that’s the best you can expect from government health care.
I had to ask to have off on Friday in order to do packing – since I didn’t get quite as far as I would’ve expected. Thankfully my bosses are really understanding and gave me off. One thing to look forward to though, is that when I return to work on Monday I’ll have a desk to work at! Yeahj!
It was the most awkward move I’ve ever endured, trying to get things done with a stiff gluteus muscle is no joke and it’s even less of a joke trying to be useful whilst moving being pregnant. Our move went quick and I can thankfully say that baby is fine after all the excitement and so am I.
I have the most wonderful husband on the face of this earth, even though he did most of the moving – with his friends, he still pulled it together to help me unpack and arrange everything in our new home, he basically did most of it! He deserves the best Husband Award Ever!

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