Saturday, November 20, 2010

22 Weeks into my pregnancy

William must’ve hurt his back last week Friday when he picked up a heavy pedestal, he’s been in terrible pain ever since. A woman at his work reckons he’s getting my back pain, I’m not even that far or big yet, some people really takes this too far! I mean; “Honestly!”
Work started for me this week and it has been great, though I think I might be working faster than what they anticipated. It is quite a relaxed atmosphere; it’s not corporate at all, which is great for my lack of maternity corporate wear! I could not have asked for a better job, than that what our Father in Heaven provided!
I’m getting more and more dizzy spells, but the problem lies in when they come along… I’ll be sitting dead still, and mostly it occurs after having eaten something. I’m just thankful that it hasn’t happened whilst driving or walking, I’ve mentioned this to the sister at the Clinic, but she reckoned that’s why I need to up my pherouse sulphate; I’ve been taking my supplements for over two weeks now and I’m simply getting more strange symptoms. Looks like all weird things are going to happen to me in this pregnancy!
I started getting terrible hay fever this week and even ended up with a silly cold again, it was so bad Monday night I could barely sleep as the phlegm was suffocating me every hour or so. By God’s grace did I make it through the next day, only to go sleep at midnight which in turn did the “real” damage. I’ve been going through this week, feeling like a zombie, thank goodness it’s almost over and I’m almost better!
Baby’s movements are so cute, at mid morning it feels like he’s playing drums or doing some rapid tapping movements, and then at late afternoon the stretches start. Today it actually felt like someone running their finger firmly over my tummy – but on the inside…  It’s so amazing! Sometimes still, I can’t believe or I even forget that I’m pregnant but then I’m quickly reminded about it by baby’s movements. My tummy still doesn’t seem “pregnant” round to me and sometimes I just feel fat and wonder if others can see I’m pregnant or if they also simply think I’m fat. I try and keep any negative thoughts at bay as I don’t want any feelings of despondency or rejection to convey to baby, my baby must know that he/she is wanted and just because I’m the most out of shape now and might sometimes feel dejected by it, doesn’t ever for one second mean that I regret having him/her - it is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me! I’ll have all the time anyway after baby’s birth to get back to what I think I should be.
Porridge brain has officially set in and oh, how it drives me insane! Sunday, was a real Blue one for me – as I had all these things I wanted to do since there would not have been time for it during the day in the week since I’m starting working – almost everything that could; did go haywire, from remembering in the middle of a ‘House’ episode after 6pm that my washing is still outside, to the line actually breaking as I take stuff off. To just me forgetting things after 3 seconds of just reminding myself not to forget. It’s gotten a bit better during the week, as I end up reminding myself so much about things that I basically have dreams about what I shouldn’t forget (not really) but it helps to let other people know what you need to be reminded off, so if they forget – you get to be mad at someone other than yourself for a change (^^,)

21 Weeks into my pregnancy

According to the baby development chart, baby is developing eyebrows, eyelashes and head hair this week. I get heartburn quite bad after eating every now and then, I suppose it’s because my stomach is all crammed into a little space. A friend of mine said there’s an old wives tale that claims if you suffer from heartburn, your child will have thick hair. I think it’d be strange if our child doesn’t have thick hair, both me and Will has thick hair. I wonder what our baby will look like; it’s funny; how we have the same idea of what we want our children to look like. We both want them to have my dark hair and his blue eyes, whether boy or girl.
So I went for the interview on Tuesday and it really seemed to go off well. She said she’ll phone me Wednesday to discuss things with me. I never got a call from her, and even though I’ve had faith thus far I couldn’t help but to look at it from a human’s perspective and I started doubting that there was even a possibility of me getting the job. I refused to believe that this was the way it was going to be, I pleaded with God to forgive my disbelief and that I don’t want the enemy to win because of it. After my crying and praying, I sent an e-mail requesting the outcome of the interview. I thought; perhaps they’ve just had another tough day with their 4week old colicky baby and she perhaps forgot to phone.
It turned out that I did in fact get the job and am starting work on Monday the 15th, though it’s only a one month contract for now – I’m sure they’ll sign me another contract in the New Year. I believe that greater things are yet to come, for I am carrying a blessing from the most High God within me!
My waist has expanded exponentially this week and I’m afraid that I’m gaining more weight than I should, but as long as both me and baby are healthy, I’m happy. The only problem is, finding something to wear, so I have to take it upon myself to make myself clothes to fit my new physique, don’t want to stretch my entire wardrobe out and then end up being depressed after the birth.
My new employers are very considerate to my situation, I mean – I’m getting a job and I can still go to Gauteng to visit my family a week for Christmas. How many people do you think would do that, they are practically arranging working conditions to suit my needs, now if that isn’t the hand of God working; then I don’t know!
Sunday evening it felt like baby was doing yoga, it was quite amazing! William was particularly surprised with the feeling of baby’s foot pressing so hard against my abdomen, it’s quite something else if you’ve only felt little kicks (^^,). It’s only a matter of time before baby’s going to wake us at night with its movements – I’m hoping that we’ll be able to go see next week whether we’re expecting a boy or girl.

20 Weeks into my pregnancy

At the age of 9 I broke my coccyx for the first time. "Yes, there was a second-" I was climbing a tree in my Aunt's garden when my foot slipped and I fell to the branch below from where I was, luckily I didn't fall to the ground as I can think of more than just my neck that would've been broken - "mum's heart". Then about a year later I got this purple and yellow basketball I'd been nagging my mum for - been having lots of fun with it at school, except for the part where I was balancing myself on it; some girl in class thought it'd be funny to see me flat on my ass after she kicked from under me...
13 Years's not so funny anymore. The first fracture to my coccyx was not as severe, I think I would've gone up until now without knowing it was ever fractured; but the second fracture put the cherry on top. My Dr. thén, told us that the fracture would most likely not heal and if it gives any problems they'd have to remove it. He also mentioned that it might pose a problem whilst giving birth; though I was only 10 at the time, I suppose he had to cover all basis.
For the past three or so months I've had severe discomfort in that area, of the coccyx. I have come to think that perhaps it never healed properly and now with me being pregnant it just flared it up again.
I think I might be getting over this "test" we're dealing with. Whereas others in the same situation would be bickering and clawing at each other's hair about their financial strain, I simply feel an overpowering calmness in my soul. i just know that we are going to come out stronger in the end!
I started my exercise programme again on monday. But I'm taking it slow, though it feels pointless at this rate! After all - it's said to have it's advantages for both baby and mum; should help me get back into my pre-pregnancy shape and baby should turn out "fit" and would stand a lower risk of weight problems and obesity later in life.
Monday, well it was a real Monday! We got "wonderfull" news - we got two months notice to move out of the house we are sharing with the in-laws. As if having financial strain wasn't bad enough, now this. "Oh, life's a breeze!" (^^,)  Why am I smiling? ... Because this, all this is simply a test of faith and I know my God won't bring us to a situation if He's not going to help us through it! It's all about Faith and putting your full trust in The Almighty!
I experienced some cramping in my abdomen - on the right just under my rib cage and down lower on the left. I got these sever Monday evening and mildly on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was really worried that baby would be fine, but he seemed untouched; as he was moving like always still. The Sisters at the clinic told me not to worry as it is the muscles stretching out, due to the growing uterus and baby. Which is usually the case with first time pregnancies.
Wednesday morning I woke up with a strange pulsing just under my bust, at first I thought it was the baby but then I realised it must've been a twitching nerve since the uterus isn't even that big yet. William laid his head on my stomach to listen to the baby move inside - and he said he could swear he heard the baby's heart beat.  I can't help but wonder, if my time isn't maybe out... I mean how was it possible for me to have felt baby move from so early on and they are only going to see if they can pick up the baby's heart rate with my next visit to the clinic, which will be at (26 weeks), I mean William felt the baby move last week, at 19 weeks - whereas most dad's only get to feel their baby's movements from 23 weeks, or maybe we really just have a very strong and special baby!
I've been assured that it's safe for me to continue exercising - which makes me so glad! As I'm gaining more weight than I'd like - but most of it in the right places. I'm just glad that I don't have to take care as though I'm a porcelain doll - Praise be to God for good health and a healthy baby. I can't wait to see if we're having a boy or girl (^^,)
Thursday I got a response on an advertisement I placed, looking for a part-time job. I'm sure it's God sent, I'm going for an interview this Tuesday. They know that I'm pregnant and the lady wanting to hire me has a 4-week old baby, so I think she knows how tough it is. I just thank God for this, already. I have faith that the interview on Tuesday is going to be a confirmation interview because she's already speaking like I've got the position - I can't wait to start!
We went to the Warriors vs. Knights Cricket game Friday evening with tickets William won through Kingfisher FM. It was great fun, even baby enjoyed it "kicked quite a bit" though the team we were rooting for lost, we didn't stay until the end, for William was disappointed and knew what the outcome would be and I was getting uncomfortable in those stadium chairs - but I must say, I had a good time!