Saturday, January 22, 2011

33 Weeks into my pregnancy

So William’s mum mentioned about a house with a flat in the yard we may possibly get. Yes we might save a lot – but I’m really not looking forward to sharing yet another property with them. I think I’ve had enough of that for one lifetime!
This week has gone by a bit quicker, and I keep on getting this feeling that I should look out for us for a place of our own, though we’re about to sign lease with these other people for the House and the Granny flat. I feel like a traitor.
I went for my follow up visit at the Maternity clinic on Friday, and now the sister who told me in the first place how far along I was; recons that I’m not 32weeks (33Wks on Saturday) pregnant - but rather 30weeks as with my first scan! I refuse to believe her! My baby is due early March according to my latest scans, but I have a feeling that she might just be a February baby. Luckily I’m not scheduled for a c-section, these crazy people would make me wait forever and then perhaps even put my baby’s life at risk. I say; let them say what they want – but my baby will come at the right time, not any estimate which they set out. I mean, one knows your own body – and I can tell that I’m definitely not 30wks pregnant now, since my tummy has already lifted and has begun descending. You’d think they’d know as much. Three weeks is a long time to be out by.
My little butterfly is so busy; her movements are becoming ever sharper. I guess the limited space is getting to her now. Not long anymore my honey, then you’ll have ample space to move about in!
Just as I started getting excited about the idea of knowing we have a place to move in to, I got this disturbing call from William Friday afternoon. The house we were about to move to, just got sold! How nice is that – explains the feeling I had. I never even knew that it was up for sale, which makes me just a little more upset than what I should be!
William suggested I get in touch with the contact our Pastor gave us for a cottage, some people in church has this cottage on their premises and it might be up for rent. I got an appointment for Saturday afternoon to go look at it, and may I just say that God is Awesome! Though it’s a lot more than what we budgeted for, I believe that our God will provide enough for us to make it through every month! It’s basically a small two bedroom house, with access to the pool and braai area for R2800. I can’t stop thanking God enough for this! What a relief!
And to put the cherry on the cake; Sunday at church the Aunty told me that they’re dropping the price with R200, since they haven’t finished with all they had planned to do. So, our God is just proving to be ever so faithful to our requests, if only we believe in Him!

32 Weeks into my pregnancy

Work started for both me and William this week, I wasn’t really looking forward to waking up at the break of dawn again but I almost seemed to have adjusted to that again. It was rather fun getting back into the work environment again.
It’s Thursday and I don’t want to seem ungrateful or whatever the case may be but it just feels like my bosses keep passing the “bucket” of blame onto me every time something of the previous month comes along that might be a problem. I don’t want to get into their bad books, especially Cardel’s coz she seems like she can give it to you the day she feels like it.
 I went for my Learner Driver Test today, and got it – AGAIN – I must now just not put it off like the last time to go for my licence. It was rather amusing as I sat in-line at the Licencing office to pay, baby was so busy – my whole tummy was wobbling around. Luckily no-one noticed, or so I think...
Wednesday was quite fun at work, I helped out with the feeding of the dogs. And on that day, of all days – I had to wear my white boob-tube top; at least it only got one paw-print on it (^^,)
The fatigue is totally taking control of me, I feel like a zombie most of the time – the other night I slept 10hours without a problem and still the following day at noontime I felt like I could just doze off. I’m hoping that I can work up until the 3rd of February, William wants me to push up until the end of February but I’m having doubts already about making it to the 3rd!
I wish I could just get an extra energy surge from somewhere – I have so much to do this month, since we’re moving and all. I haven’t even really packed anything yet... God has been good, we might be getting a Granny-Flat/ Garden Cottage for R500 less than what we’re paying now – but we still have to go look at the place and we’re going to have to stay in the house for the 1st month with William’s Mum & step-dad – which I’m not really feeling for, but if this place is the one – then I suppose we’re just going to have to pull out some more perseverance.
Just when I thought the heartburn has left me and that I may have peace in one field of my life, it returned in all its fury – with barely a week’s rest of it. That was really disappointing.
It frustrates me so badly, I really want to start looking for a place for us to stay but the Property Guide’s first edition for the year will only be printed in about a week, and I can't find anything on websites. I feel like climbing the walls out of frustration. I’ve already started packing some of the kitchen stuff, but now the rest of the things are still standing around – waiting to be packed into boxes. We’re moving in three weeks and I'm not sure where we are going, unnecessary stress I think.
We had a look at the house, well only from the outside and we have decided to pinch our eyes closed and take it. I don’t know however, when we’ll be signing the contract, though I still feel the need to look for another place.

31 Weeks into my pregnancy

We left Monday morning 7:25am on our way to Christiana to go visit William’s granddad for a day – this three hour drive almost felt just as long as our 12hour drive coming from PE, but that I suppose was only because of the hot weather we were driving in and our lovely car that has no aircon!
It was nice seeing his grandparents again, but I could barely sleep that night with the humidity in our room – though I took a cold shower before bedtime, it did me no good. We were up early again Tuesday morning to get ready for the road ahead but we left just after six when the sun was already out with its hot rays. The journey waiting ahead was not as long as the one we endured on our way to visit but it was in the heat of the day and when we got to our second last stop – three hours away from home, I thought that I couldn’t endure it any longer. But somewhere I got the strength and guts to get back into the hot car to continue our journey home.
We got home at about 3pm and oh how happy we were to know we’re only seconds away from rest. But, we didn’t have the house keys with us and nobody were home, so off we went into the holiday traffic to go fetch the keys from William's mum in Walmer Park shopping centre. They still wanted us to stay and chat and what not but after about half an hour and the espresso William had at the shop I told him we gotta leave as I’m falling asleep.
When we finally got home, my bed became my best friend and all my worries “disappeared” when I laid my head on that pillow! It felt so good to be back home, on my own bed – even though it had only been a week, it felt like forever since I’ve seen my two feline babies Mischif and Tigger.
Mischif had taken over Johan’s bed at night – which she normally does to visitors we get. But Tigger has taken his place back at mommy and daddy’s feet at night and sometimes when he feels cold or in need of a cuddle he’ll crawl into my arms and sleep there for a while.
We had a midnight service this Friday, and afterwards all the youth went to pastor’s house for fellowship and a swim. Well, with baby or not I didn’t even touch that water – coz I was just cold anyhow and didn’t see the need in cooling down more, though William and some of the youth had other ideas. Their silliness finally lead to William getting hurt in the pool. He got tackled into the shallow end of the pool, hit rock bottom and got out hurt. I initially thought it was his ribs and already started thinking of what Dr’s costs we’re going to have to carry but thanks be to God that it was only a slight muscle sprain.
Today he’s as fit as a fiddle, and I’m just glad we don’t have to fork out extra for Doctors and x-rays and the works.
I started sorting the baby stuff out this week, we set up the cot pa made and everything fits nicely into it. I can just thank God for how he has provided for us thus far and how everything is coming together slowly but surely! Thank you Father God

30 Weeks into my pregnancy

We got to Nigel (Gauteng) just after 1pm Monday afternoon. We were totally exhausted but happy to see the family – we went to greet mum and pa first since we wouldn’t be sleeping over there I thought it best to go say hi there first. After about half an hour’s visit (it was so short coz we needed some sleep) we went on to go say hi to Will’s step-mum but she had closed the business early already and his brother wasn’t home either. So we drove past his Gran’s house and she happened to be home, we visited a bit there waiting for Johan (Will’s brother) as he was on his way to his Gran’s as well. We were there for about an hour when we decided to leave as the effects of the trip really started to hit hard on us now – we were invited to Dinner with them, so we left to go to Adolf (my brother)’s house where we were going to sleep over at most of the time.
We finally got there and to my surprise William ended up playing xbox and ps3 games with Adolf, I decided that I needed a nap since I didn’t get any real sleep on the road and couldn’t supplement myself with energy tonics since I’m pregnant.
The week in Gauteng was harsh on my pregnant body, but I think the long trip also had its finger in the pie. I had scankles most of the week, with the hot weather and running around between the family but the worst day was Christmas day when I woke up with swollen ankles, agh! It was terrible, my feet wouldn’t fit into any shoe so I turned Dutchman for a day – running around pregnant and barefoot! Hah!
We really enjoyed Christmas with my family but it would’ve been better had Granny and Grandpa been there. They preferred to spend their Christmas the same they’ve spent it for the past 10years – at the German Old Age Home, where nothing ever changes. We were all really disappointed at that since we might not have that chance to spend Christmas as a family together like that again, but ah well – you can’t force a person now can you!
Sunday morning we took mum and pa to Wimpy for breakfast to say thank you for helping with petrol money and the cot pa made for our little girl – yip we now know for sure that it’s a little girl, for last week I had three dreams in a row about baby- & toddler girls and my sister-in-law paid for us to go to a Dr. in Nigel for another ultrasound and there we saw it – two little lines on the scan! Though the Dr. said it’s a boy – he said the same to my sister-in-law and they had a little girl, and with Diane (my eldest sis)’s daughter she also had two little stripes indicating ... that she’s a girl! So we’re waiting on Tazlin to make her grand entrance into this world – whilst in the mean time I’m growing out of my clothes and am now worried if I’ll have anything to wear when returning to work!

29 Weeks into my pregnancy

I just can’t take it anymore! I don’t want to think of my baby as a she if in fact it could be a he! So we prayed and asked God to please show us in dreams or something. So now we’re waiting on confirmation from our Heavenly Father.
It was crazy this week at work, especially my last day – which was the 15th when most of our clients brought in their dogs! 21 Clients in all – some with more than one dog. I left work after 5pm but at least I can say that my last day was a good and productive day!
God has been gracious to me for I have a job to go back to in the New Year! It will only be another month contract because my due date is now much closer – but Cardel (my other boss) said I can work until I feel I can’t anymore. So hopefully God will give me the strength and ability to work until the end of February or until baby comes.
This week William will be going to the Youth Camp and I’ll be busy fixing up Christmas things for my family. This week has proved to be quite busy – I’m starting to feel the effect of the third trimester sluggishness coming in. When I find myself I’m having a nap to recharge for the next task at hand.
Our goal was to leave Port Elizabeth at 8pm Sunday evening, but William was so paste from the camp that I let him slumber on until midnight. I got up at 10pm to get everything ready for the long trip up to Gauteng – 12hours drive is no joke, and it’s even less of a joke when you’re pregnant. I hope I’ll be okay – but I’m sure God will take care of me!

28 Weeks into my pregnancy

My weight gain is fairly gradual and I haven’t really experienced any other strange pregnancy symptoms. I simply enjoy feeling my little butterfly move about at her designated times during the day; 9-10am, 3pm, 7pm and just before I crawl into bed. Our baby has been an angel, sparing my sleep – I don’t get much sleep though from tossing and turning with my sore hips though – but at least she’s not keeping me out of my sleep.
Both me and William are still in two minds about our baby’s gender – it doesn’t make much sense though to base your child’s gender on what a Dr. couldn’t see.  We’ll be having the baby shower with my family soon and I would hate if everyone got girly things and a little boy pops out. I’m trying to see where we can go for a second opinion but the cash is a bit low.
I’ve been feeling rather indignant towards myself for we haven’t bought our baby anything yet! It’s not that we didn’t want to it’s just been so difficult since I lost my job and now trying to pull things together with the job I recently got, but by the grace of God we got to pay the final lay-buy instalment on our baby’s pram and car seat, so I am totally besides myself! Finally we have something to say; “hurry baby, we can’t wait to meet you anymore!”

27 Weeks into my pregnancy

We had our next appointment for the scan this week which is supposed to have been week 23, but as my instincts told me – I am further along than what we initially expected! I was rather thrilled when the Doc told us that we’re 26 weeks & 3 days when we went for the ultrasound on 30 November 2010. I was totally thrilled to have gotten 3 weeks discount on my time!
The Dr. couldn’t locate anything on the ultrasound scan – to be honest, I had trouble figuring out which part of the static was baby and what not. So he told us that we are probably expecting a little girl since he can’t locate any genitals of a boy.
I’m happy never the less, though I initially wanted to have a boy – now the idea of a little girl is quite pleasing to me. Though I now have doubts whether it really is a girl or not – for I’ve been having constant dreams “since conception” of baby boys and nobody I know has had a little boy this year! And no, I don’t dream opposite dreams, I’ve had it where what I dreamt happened exactly as I dreamt it – but just to someone else, not the person in my dream.
So, I have quite mixed emotions right now to whether we’re having a boy or girl! I mean it’s not like the Dr. located anything to prove it was a boy or a girl which keeps me wondering...