Saturday, November 20, 2010

22 Weeks into my pregnancy

William must’ve hurt his back last week Friday when he picked up a heavy pedestal, he’s been in terrible pain ever since. A woman at his work reckons he’s getting my back pain, I’m not even that far or big yet, some people really takes this too far! I mean; “Honestly!”
Work started for me this week and it has been great, though I think I might be working faster than what they anticipated. It is quite a relaxed atmosphere; it’s not corporate at all, which is great for my lack of maternity corporate wear! I could not have asked for a better job, than that what our Father in Heaven provided!
I’m getting more and more dizzy spells, but the problem lies in when they come along… I’ll be sitting dead still, and mostly it occurs after having eaten something. I’m just thankful that it hasn’t happened whilst driving or walking, I’ve mentioned this to the sister at the Clinic, but she reckoned that’s why I need to up my pherouse sulphate; I’ve been taking my supplements for over two weeks now and I’m simply getting more strange symptoms. Looks like all weird things are going to happen to me in this pregnancy!
I started getting terrible hay fever this week and even ended up with a silly cold again, it was so bad Monday night I could barely sleep as the phlegm was suffocating me every hour or so. By God’s grace did I make it through the next day, only to go sleep at midnight which in turn did the “real” damage. I’ve been going through this week, feeling like a zombie, thank goodness it’s almost over and I’m almost better!
Baby’s movements are so cute, at mid morning it feels like he’s playing drums or doing some rapid tapping movements, and then at late afternoon the stretches start. Today it actually felt like someone running their finger firmly over my tummy – but on the inside…  It’s so amazing! Sometimes still, I can’t believe or I even forget that I’m pregnant but then I’m quickly reminded about it by baby’s movements. My tummy still doesn’t seem “pregnant” round to me and sometimes I just feel fat and wonder if others can see I’m pregnant or if they also simply think I’m fat. I try and keep any negative thoughts at bay as I don’t want any feelings of despondency or rejection to convey to baby, my baby must know that he/she is wanted and just because I’m the most out of shape now and might sometimes feel dejected by it, doesn’t ever for one second mean that I regret having him/her - it is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me! I’ll have all the time anyway after baby’s birth to get back to what I think I should be.
Porridge brain has officially set in and oh, how it drives me insane! Sunday, was a real Blue one for me – as I had all these things I wanted to do since there would not have been time for it during the day in the week since I’m starting working – almost everything that could; did go haywire, from remembering in the middle of a ‘House’ episode after 6pm that my washing is still outside, to the line actually breaking as I take stuff off. To just me forgetting things after 3 seconds of just reminding myself not to forget. It’s gotten a bit better during the week, as I end up reminding myself so much about things that I basically have dreams about what I shouldn’t forget (not really) but it helps to let other people know what you need to be reminded off, so if they forget – you get to be mad at someone other than yourself for a change (^^,)

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